*Monthly rates based on 4-week pay schedule per family
1 class per week: $60 2 classes per week: $90 50% off for additional classes and/or siblings
Tuition Policy: Tuition is due and payable on the first of each month. Tuition paid after the 10th will be charged a late fee of $15.00 Return check fee is $25.00
Drop Policy: 30-day advance notice is required for all dropped classes in order to avoid tuition charges. Late drops are subject to additional studio admin fee of $25
Autopay: You have the option of having tuition automatically debited from your credit card. Please see Autopay form. Charges will take place between the 1st and 5th of each month.
*4 week pay schedule allows for 4 weeks of vacation/holidays and other allotted schedule "closed" days.
Dress code: Form-fitted athletic wear or ballet tights and leotard/tutu. Must bring tap and ballet shoes.